Guus van der Bie

Foto van Guus van der Bie, medewerker Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg

Guus van der Bie is a retired GP and currently teaches doctors in the Netherlands and Germany. In the professorship he focusses on the phenomenology and the anthroposophic input in studies. 

Work experience

2002 - 2012:

Lecturer, University of Utrecht: Complementary Views in Healthcare, Medical Humanities  
Lecturer, University of Witten-Herdecke (Germany): Integrated Minor in Anthroposophic Medicine; Lecturer, In-service Doctor Training in Anthroposophic Medicine  
2005 - present: Lecturer and member of the block committee as part of CRU 06, the curriculum of UMC Utrecht for the design of the 'Medical Humanities' major within the curriculum. First presentation in June 2008-2009.  
1984 - 2004: GP, lecturer, University of Utrecht  
Senior researcher, Louis Bolk Instituut